15 年來,Ergobaby 引領突破性創新,成為澳洲和紐西蘭最受歡迎的承運商。 Ergobaby 連續 6 屆榮獲「最佳嬰兒背帶」母嬰金獎,連續 4 屆獲得 Canstar 獎「最滿意顧客」獎!
我們全新的一體式新生兒專用 Omni 360 現在配備了適合澳洲氣候的 Cool Air Mesh 選項。從第 1 週到 36 個月,Omni 360 會與您一起成長。我們的交叉肩帶提供個人化貼合感。你可以擁有這一切。
- 符合人體工學的前向選項
- 從新生兒到幼兒均可調節
- 腰部支撐帶來額外的背部舒適感
- 包括可拆卸的收納袋
- 透氣、輕質的全網狀背帶
- 3.2-20公斤
- 可機洗
- 在背帶中母乳喂養
- 前面攜帶 - 針對 0 個月以上的家長
- 正面攜帶 - 面朝外 5 個月以上
- 臀背式 - 6 個月以上
- 後背 6 個月以上
完美貼合 - 無限選擇
- 新生兒準備就緒
- 嬰兒隱私罩(UPF 50+)
- 可交叉肩帶
- 可拆卸袋
- 所有位置均符合人體工學(M 位置)
- 腰部支撐
For over 15 years Ergobaby has lead breakthrough innovation to become Australia and New Zealand's most-loved carrier. Ergobaby has proudly won 6 consecutive Mother & Baby Gold Awards for the 'Best Baby Carrier' & 4 consecutive Canstar Awards for the 'Most Satisfied Customer'!
Our NEW all-in-one, newborn ready Omni 360 now comes in a Cool Air Mesh option perfect for the Australian climate. Omni 360 grows with you from week 1 to 36 months. Our crossable shoulder straps give a personalized fit. You can have it all.
- Ergonomic, forward facing option
- Adjustable from newborn to toddler
- Lumbar support for extra back comfort
- Includes detachable storage pouch
- Breathable, lightweight all mesh carrier
- 3.2 - 20kg
- Machine Washable
- Breastfeed in Carrier
All Position Baby Carrier
- Front Carry - Facing Parent 0+ Months
- Front Carry - Facing Out 5+ Months
- Hip Carry - 6+ Months
- Back Carry 6+ Months
Perfect Fit - Endless Options
- Newborn Ready
- Baby Privacy Hood (UPF 50+)
- Crossable Shoulder Straps
- Detachable Pouch
- Ergonomic in All Positions (M-Position)
- Lumbar Support
Original Price
15 年來,Ergobaby 引領突破性創新,成為澳洲和紐西蘭最受歡迎的承運商。 Ergobaby 連續 6 屆榮獲「最佳嬰兒背帶」母嬰金獎,連續 4 屆獲得 Canstar 獎「最滿意顧客」獎!
我們全新的一體式新生兒專用 Omni 360 現在配備了適合澳洲氣候的 Cool Air Mesh 選項。從第 1 週到 36 個月,Omni 360 會與您一起成長。我們的交叉肩帶提供個人化貼合感。你可以擁有這一切。
- 符合人體工學的前向選項
- 從新生兒到幼兒均可調節
- 腰部支撐帶來額外的背部舒適感
- 包括可拆卸的收納袋
- 透氣、輕質的全網狀背帶
- 3.2-20公斤
- 可機洗
- 在背帶中母乳喂養
- 前面攜帶 - 針對 0 個月以上的家長
- 正面攜帶 - 面朝外 5 個月以上
- 臀背式 - 6 個月以上
- 後背 6 個月以上
完美貼合 - 無限選擇
- 新生兒準備就緒
- 嬰兒隱私罩(UPF 50+)
- 可交叉肩帶
- 可拆卸袋
- 所有位置均符合人體工學(M 位置)
- 腰部支撐
For over 15 years Ergobaby has lead breakthrough innovation to become Australia and New Zealand's most-loved carrier. Ergobaby has proudly won 6 consecutive Mother & Baby Gold Awards for the 'Best Baby Carrier' & 4 consecutive Canstar Awards for the 'Most Satisfied Customer'!
Our NEW all-in-one, newborn ready Omni 360 now comes in a Cool Air Mesh option perfect for the Australian climate. Omni 360 grows with you from week 1 to 36 months. Our crossable shoulder straps give a personalized fit. You can have it all.
- Ergonomic, forward facing option
- Adjustable from newborn to toddler
- Lumbar support for extra back comfort
- Includes detachable storage pouch
- Breathable, lightweight all mesh carrier
- 3.2 - 20kg
- Machine Washable
- Breastfeed in Carrier
All Position Baby Carrier
- Front Carry - Facing Parent 0+ Months
- Front Carry - Facing Out 5+ Months
- Hip Carry - 6+ Months
- Back Carry 6+ Months
Perfect Fit - Endless Options
- Newborn Ready
- Baby Privacy Hood (UPF 50+)
- Crossable Shoulder Straps
- Detachable Pouch
- Ergonomic in All Positions (M-Position)
- Lumbar Support